Wilbur Curtis Maneuver

- invented by gnarly 6th grader, Wilbur Curtis
- the maneuver is a two-step process, in which one takes a fistful of loose tobacco and then smokes it through one's hand, as one would through, say, a pipe
- smoking a whole "cigarette" like this is called going Full Curtis
- the maneuver bears Wilbur Curtis' name because, as far as is known, he is the only individual known to have completed it in full
- because Wilbur Curtis can never buy papers, the maneuver is generally his sole means of recourse
- recieved moderate attention amongst local news sources and was briefly considered a "teen phenomenon"
- when local journalist David Larry tried to contact the Curtis family parents regarding the matter, they informed him that he "had the wrong address" and that they "have no son"

meanwhile, on an adjacent plane of reality, it's FIST LAD UNIVERSE

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